Tuesday, June 12, 2007

June 10, 2007 – Announcements

PLEASE BE PATIENT as we continue in the final stage of our building program. The new carpet will be installed this week. Bathrooms and the kitchen are being worked on. Every effort is made to have things cleaned up and put away for VBS, but you will need to be careful and patient as you move around the building.

Randy and Melanie Umble are our Missionaries serving in Ecuador. They are expected in Atglen on Tuesday evening for a 4 week stay. Pray for safe travel and a time of renewal as they visit family and friends. They will speak to the Sunday School on July 8.

Congratulations to Rachel Lusby and Reuben Bender on their engagement!

West Fallowfield Christian School will hold a Chicken Barbecue Day on Tuesday, June 19. Tickets are $7.50 and available from students or the school office 610-593-5011.

The Church Camp Out will be June 16-17 at Muddy Run Camp Ground. Church services will be held at the campground on June 17 at 10:30 am. A picnic lunch will follow. The Family Life Commission will provide sandwiches and beverages. Bring your own table settings and a dish to share. Last names beginning with A to L bring a large salad, M to Z bring a large desert.

Vacation Bible School is coming June 17 - 21, 2007. Register your child by calling the church or online at https://www.groupvbs.com/myvbs/?churchid=948

Baptism Instruction Classes
Are you interested in Baptism? Maple Grove will have a baptism service on August 26. Instruction classes will begin the week after VBS. Please Contact Pastor Steve if you are interested (pastorscrane@epix.net)

Preschool Teachers are needed. The Maple Grove Preschool needs teachers for the fall. Contact Judi Woods, Director at 610-593-1159 for details

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