Monday, December 3, 2007

December 2, 2007 – Announcements

Every Sunday is a family reunion for the family of God. We miss you when you are not with us.

As followers of Jesus Christ in communion with the Maple Grove Mennonite Church all of us should:
- Assume the best
- Speak the truth in loving ways
- Acknowledge that God has led our decision making process.

Please remember to reserve dates for using the kitchen and fellowship hall by writing in the calendar on the church office windowsill. Church groups will be given preference to outside groups, but your activity must be recorded in the church calendar book to avoid double booking.

FREE BABYSITTING! The youth group will provide free babysitting for ages 1 and up at the church building on Wednesday, December 5th, 6:00 to 9:00 pm. This is a great opportunity to have a date night or go shopping. Please sign-up on the bulletin board in the foyer.


Thank you for donating shoe boxes to Bridge of Hope. They will be used for the participant alumni Christmas Parties.

Our family would like to extend our gratitude for the support shown by Maple Grove at our dairy sale through the donations of food and time. A special thank you to Anna, Grace and Rhonda Stoltzfus for their skillful organization and a big thank you to the MYF and their leaders and to so many others too numerous to mention. This church does work well together!
Even more than the sale being a financial success, we are grateful for the love we feel through the overwhelmingly generous donations to Jordan’s Memorial Fund. You have no idea how this helps us as a family to know that a part of him will continue to live on through helping others. Please continue to remember us and many others around us through the holiday season as we are missing our loved ones.
With sincere thanks, Ken, Marilyn, Scott, Brandon, Rhonda and Grant Umble

Thank you to all the women who attended the Red / Pink Hat gathering at our home. We enjoyed the fun, food and fellowship. ~ Francesca and Steve Crane


The Evangelism and Service Commission invites you to help a family in need this holiday season. There are needy families in the Octorara School District that could use gifts and a Christmas meal. Contact a member of the Evangelism and Service Commission if you can help.

DOMINICAN REPUBLIC 2008 - We are sponsoring two mission teams this year, January 12-19 and 19-26. Sign up soon. Contact Eric or Sue Nafziger for more information. Note that passports are required to travel to the DR this year.

Helpers are needed for the 2-year-old class during worship. Other volunteers are needed; contact Denyce Copeland if you can help.

A local man is in need of a house cleaning team, donation of dinner-wear and some volunteer carpenters. For more information contact Jim Groff at 610-593-6612

(See the large bulletin board in the foyer or call the church office for more information about these items)

Bridge of Hope Lancaster & Chester Counties invites you to a “Community Shopping Night” on Thursday, December 6, 5:00 to 9:00 pm at Ten Thousand Villages, Main Street at Exton, 271 Main Street. Fifteen percent of the proceeds will benefit our mission to end homelessness for single mothers. At 8:00 pm there will be a drawing for a $25 gift certificate. Ten Thousand Villages provides vital, fair income to Third World people by marketing their handicrafts. For more information visit

Clean out your quilt closets for the PA Relief Sale! Recycle quilt supplies and unfinished quilt projects at the PA Relief Sale Quilter’s Attic and New Venture at the 2008 sale. For more information visit the website

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