Monday, July 16, 2007

July 15, 2007 – Announcements

(Oops! We’re late posting again, sorry)

Please check out the “Lend a Lap” schedule on the bulletin board. If you need to change a date contact Carly Kauffman before July 21.

PLEASE BE PATIENT as we continue in the final stage of our building program. The final part of the new carpet will be completed in the new stairway and area outside the kitchen. The last of the ceiling tiles and doors are being installed. The elevator will be completed this week and inspection scheduled. Workers have started the new septic system. Please be careful and patient as you move around the building and grounds.

Because this is being posted on Monday, July 16, we can include a report from the congregational meeting of July 15. There were four issues presented and voted on:
1. Pave and stripe the parking lot in the spring of 2008. (passed)
2. New heating / cooling system in south end. (passed)
3. Addition of steeple. (not passed)
4. Faith symbol (cross or other) on north end of building. (passed)
The adjusted final cost for the addition is $1,103,317. To date we have received contributions for $816,703. There is a balance of $286,614 needed to complete the project. To do this $40,000 will be included in the 2006-07 church budget (capital improvement fund) and $20,000 in the 2007-08 budget. The balance of $226,614 will be borrowed

Preschool Teachers are needed. The Maple Grove Preschool needs teachers for the fall. Contact Judi Woods, Director at 610-593-1159 for details

Maple Grove Mennonite is a Missionary Church
The Lord has blessed our congregation with a love for missionary outreach. A large portion of our members are involved in ministries that reach beyond the doors of our building, into the community and into the world.
We give of our time. Last year many of our folks participated in mission trips to Ecuador, Chile and the Dominican Republic. The Preschool and LIFT touch lives in our community. Our VBS brings in many children who do not go to church. Some volunteer at The Point, Relay for Life, Bridge of Hope, West Fallowfield Christian School and many other causes.
We give of our resources. Much of our budget is dedicated to missionary outreach. We try to have our hearts in the right place. Jesus said, “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (see Matthew 6:19-21). We try to use our treasure (time and financial resources) for the advancement of God’s Kingdom in this world.

The combined youth/adult Sunday School class has a missionary emphasis. Skip Tobin, EMM missionary in SE Asia will speak. He is mentor for Ryan and Bethany Umble who will also speak. They have been appointed to missionary service in Cambodia.

MYF Car Wash - Saturday, July 28, 7 am to 2 pm at Dutch-Way Market
Jr MYF Beach Olympics – Sunday, July 29 all day
Jr MYF “Survivor” – August 12-13
MYF Dinner – Wednesday, August 15

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